Why Give?
"God so loved the world that he gave...” (John 3:16) The God we see in the Bible is a God who loves graciously and gives generously. It has been said that we are most like God when we give; as we seek to love and obey Christ, our lives become an expression of the grace and generosity we have received.
We give because God is a giver - giving reflects Him.
We give because God gave first - giving is a response.
We give because it transforms us into God's image - giving restores us. "Freely you have received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8)
At Connect we value generosity. We aim to be a community where giving is a habit of our hearts and generous living becomes our way of life. We believe everything we are and everything we have belongs to Christ: our time, our talent and our treasure.
We believe in the biblical principle of "first things" (Exodus 23:19; Matthew 6:33). As such, we teach that the "first part" of our money belongs to God and uphold the principle of tithing. We believe tithing is a faith principle founded on grace.
When we give the first 10% of our resource to God, we are:
Honouring God - "Lord you are first".
Responding with love - "Lord, I love you".
Making a statement of trust - "Lord, I depend on you".
Confessing ownership - "Lord, everything I have is yours". 

We believe that the place where the tithe should be given is 'His House' and we interpret this as the local church (the storehouse as illustrated in Malachi 3:10). We don't uphold tithing as a law but teach tithing as a principle. We acknowledge the diverse personal circumstances of people's lives and, while the 'tithe' is a starting point for most, we understand that sometimes it begins as a goal.